MM Fund – Globe & Mail interview

Dec / 04 / 23

The Globe & Mail recently interviewed Ed Sollbach, the portfolio manager of Spartan’s MM Fund, which has significantly outperformed the TSX since the Fund’s inception 8 ½ years ago – by 4% per annum or over 63% on a cumulative basis.  MM Fund’s compounded annualized return since inception is +11.10%.[1]


MM Fund is highly ranked by Morningstar for 5 year returns of Canadian Equity funds.[2]


Other MM Fund highlights:

  • Eligible for registered accounts and approved for purchase at most broker-dealers
  • As a prospectus-based mutual fund, it is available with no paperwork and a very low minimum order size ($500)
  • Portfolio Manager is the largest investor in the Fund, ensuring a good alignment of incentives between manager and investors


Click here to read the full Interview


Click here for more information on the MM Fund






[1] Performance numbers are net of management and performance fees for the period commencing July 15, 2015 for the Class F units, but do not take into account early redemption fees if investments are held less than 1 year. 
 Returns and statistics for other classes are available on request.

[2] Category: Canadian Equity; Index: Morningstar Canada GR CAD; Earliest Available data July 15, 2015.